Riddles of the Mind Part 2 - Emotions

Every emotion you experience has a greater purpose or role. The extent of this will depend on the extremity of the emotion or even the lack of a particular emotion. How you handle different emotions can take you down the right track or the wrong track in life. When a certain emotion becomes destructive to your life's purpose it is definitely a good time to cool off and not make any major decisions. However, sometimes what seems to be a negative emotion such as anger, can actually be used in a positive context to help remove something from your life or to move forward in another way. This is a very good example of the 'riddles of the mind'. Using something like anger to make a command to yourself or to stimulate change can often help achieve a better desired outcome in certain situations.
How Your Emotions Make Up 'You' as a Whole
Let's imagine that every emotion represents a different part of you... happy you, sad you, funny you and so forth. Looking at it this way, each emotion is actually a core value of what makes 'you' as a whole. If any of these emotions you experience are extreme they will create an imbalance that will affect you mentally, emotionally and even physically. I want you to now take a look back in your life and think of a time when you were really angry. You may have almost felt like you were possessed to a point where you simply could not control yourself. Feeling like this, was it like an outside force had taken over to the point where your mind ran all over the place over-thinking and you made irrational decisions? When this happened did it affect your day, take you time to calm down, were embarrassed about what was said, or maybe you became secluded because you didn't want to deal with the issue directly? The riddle here is that basically you were 'not yourself' but at the same time you 'were yourself'. This is what I mean about emotions forming who you are as a person. The trick in these situations is to make a conscious decision to analyze how you react to such extremities of emotion. Do this not only when you experience an extreme emotion, but also right now in preparation for how you react next time. Map out some logical processes in your mind about the best way to approach how you handle different situations. Try to imagine the different repercussions from not handling things correctly, and simply keep this at the forefront of your mind next time you feel like you are losing control. Try this now.
Emotions… 'Energy in motion'
Emotions are an energy that pulsates through your entire mind and body. They are like a rhythm that is interconnected with the beat of your heart. This energy has a flow on effect that creates attraction or subtraction to everything in your life internally and externally. This energy is much like a magnet, changing your energy field, the look in your eyes, the words you speak, your behavior, the way you question yourself, your tone of voice, and even your basic biology. There have been many studies that show a direct correlation between emotions and the effect on the physical systems of the body. I won't go too much into these here, but if you are interested I highly recommend the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton as a starting point to find out more about this. The magnetic effect of emotions can create an entire new world of possibilities and consequences. What you heart feels and radiates through the motions you experience, your mind will attract and see. What your mind then sees will be relayed through all your different senses and start creating the world in which you live. This could be internally through things like your self-talk or externally through the environment in which you live. These same emotions will then help create your belief systems and shape meaning and associations from everything you experience. In turn this affects as far down as the calculations made by your subconscious that construct every single thing that you do in any moment of time. (Part 1 of this article series talks more about this here).
Essentially emotions are basic building blocks to who you were, are, and could be, as a person. Therefore it is important to realize this and be aware of the direction in which you let them take you. If you let your emotions get the better of you and not stay in harmonic balance, the flow on effect throughout all parts of you is simply immense.
By Tanya Hoffman on 07 Sep 2014 at about 13:09.My first response was "This is mentally stimulating" I will need to read it several times and I will work on it.Thankyou Tanya
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