App Updates & Feedback

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Thank you very much for everyone's response to my hypnosis apps - it has been quite overwhelming. The guys at I-Mobilize have just done some updates now so it can be downloaded without having to update your Iphone software to the latest version. Plus there are another 20 new titles added to the Android app collection now too.

View Giovanni's Apple Hypnosis Apps

View Giovanni's Android Hypnosis Apps

I am in the process of adding some more features & content to make the apps even better. If you have any suggestions, please email me here and I can put them forward to the developers.

Also, a special thanks to everyone who left reviews for my apps too, this is much appreciated. Below are what some people have been saying. It is pleasing to hear that people are enjoying & benefiting from the programs. If you have used my apps please a review so others can know about it too thanks.

I like the new version better
by appfan2012US on Saturday, September 22 2012 version 1.1
Now it plays audio in the background
by Latuncha on Tuesday, September 18 2012 version 1.0
I had been suffering from a horrible headache for a week and last night i tried the migraine session and this morning i woke up with no pain! I cant wait to try other sessions.
New to Giovanni, but I like it
by Mr. Relaxed on Monday, September 17 2012 version 1.0
i like this app and that I can grab additional sessions when i feel like it. makes it pretty easy.
Ding ding ding... Winner!
by Sleep well tonight on Sunday, September 16 2012 version 1.0
Nice app. About time someone figured out ow to put all someone's content in one app. So much to choose from, something new to chose from when I finish with the previous one. G.L. has a calm, comfortable feel about him. I like it.
Lordi at his best...
by Big G 99 on Saturday, September 15 2012 version 1.0
This app contains so many sessions to download. Everything from sleep and relaxation, happiness, and weight loss.
Yes, finally Giovanni has an App
by Rain-Free on Saturday, September 15 2012 version 1.0
Cool, I have been waiting for his stuff to get on Apple. Have been an admirer for some time. If I were to recommend the best ones, tops would be super consciousness, followed by letting go and sleep. There is a a whole bunch here I haven't tried yet...great voice this guy has. Thank you!

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