Riddles of the Mind Part 5 - Dreams

Dreams are one of the main ways your subconscious tries to communicate with your conscious mind. Even though you may at times only have short glimpses of conscious recognition for your dreams, the insights they provide are invaluable. Your dreams will be based on any number of your thoughts, feelings, questions, unresolved issues, fears, confusions, visions etc. that are playing out in your life at any moment in time. These are influenced once again by the past, the the present and the future.
Dreams... the Movies of Your Life
When it comes to trying to analyze your dreams there are a number of things to be mindful of. Firstly, trying to analyze a dream is a conscious process whereby you are trying to assign a meaning to that dream relative to what is going on in your life. Think of a dream as your subconscious making a movie for you. This movie generally will have some sort of outcome involved whether it is sad, happy, full of action with a hero at the end, or perhaps a romantic love story. If you have a dream that seems to make no sense this may be because it is a 'chaos dream'. Just like all great movies or TV series they leave you in suspense until right at the end. A chaos dream could point towards another episode coming in which you will find out the ending later. If the ending is not clear yet, just like a scriptwriter has to create the final scene for a movie, so too do you have to create the next stages so you can have an ending to that dream. If you don't create an ending for that dream it will keep recurring without resolve. This is because your subconscious has not been able to stamp it as finished and put it in your reference banks for later on. It is interesting to note that even if that dream has a bad ending, once it is finished, your subconscious will still store this away, possibly causing a negative influence in your life.
Real vs Unreal Directions
Often if you have a dream that feels very real and has people in it that you know and places in it that you frequent, this means (depending on the attached feelings) that you are on the right track to something in your life. However, you should first consciously confirm that this dream has an outcome that you desire first if you wish to take the most benefit from it. On the other hand if you have a strong unresolved emotion such as insecurity happening at a point in your life, you may tend to have different types of dreams. Typically in these dreams you may think you believe that what you dream about is really happening, when in actual fact, it is quite far away from the truth. If you happen to explain these types of dreams to other people as a representation of something real that you perceive to be happening in your life, they may be a better judge to tell you that this is not the case and even go as far as to thinking you are way off. This is because often we become too caught up in our own self when we analyze our dreams and this affects our perspective. Just like watching a movie, it is best practice to analyze a dream from the angle that you are watching a movie rather than getting caught up thinking you are the main character. Doing this can help seperate your personal attachment to the situation and allow you to look on as a neutral bystander. This frees your perspective and helps better analyze the dream and what it really means.
Fear/Phobia Dreams
Another significant type of dream I wanted to discuss are those driven by a certain fear or phobia you may have. These can go two ways. One way is that your subconscious may actually be attempting to create some type of false creation to 'cover-up' that fear. Essentially these types of dreams actually represent a fear within a fear. By this I mean that you may have a fear of actually addressing that fear or phobia directly. It will vary, but one example of this type of dream may be that you get close to reaching an ending before you are magically whisked away from the scene before it finishes. This is different to a more positive outcome dream based on a fear whereby you approach a situation that represents the fear (let's say a mountain if you are scared of heights) and rather than running away, your dream takes you on some type of journey where you conquer the mountain and you finish on top looking over the world. The latter example is a much more positive outcome than the first because it shows that you have resolved the scene rather than simply running away.
Of course these are just two examples as dreams vary immensely, but I hope you can understand the difference as to the two different outcomes and what they mean. Try to use this information when deciphering your own dreams and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results. Dreams play an important part in what we manifest in reality. Realizing this fact and taking conscious action to redirect the outcomes of your dreams (even before you have them by training your mind to put the right systems in place) to be inline with what you truly desire to create in your life is very advantageous. Just like the director for a movie controls the direction that movie takes, so too can you direct the outcomes of your dreams with just a little conscious involvement in the right direction.
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