Join Me For The You Wealth Teleseminar August 6th 2012
I would like to invite you to join me on the 6th August 2012 to be a part of the 'You Wealth Revolution Shift' series. I will be sharing with you some of the finer points about hypnosis, particularly using it to shift your consciousness into new and better directions. Some of the other things I will be talking about include dreams, superconsciousness, breaking negative patterns & I will even be doing a live 15 minute hypnosis session too.
You can listen in online or via your phone for free by registering here.
About The Series
The You Wealth Revolution: SHIFT 2012 is a global intention and awareness movement with the stated mission of shifting one million hearts and minds. Our mission is to share your message while utilizing the power of intention to create higher awareness for those who attend the event, the people on the planet and even the planet itself.
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