Giovanni Lordi - Australian Hypnotherapist & Author

Photo spread of GiovanniGiovanni is one of Australia's top selling and most respected hypnotherapists. Never one to shy away from a challenge, Giovanni has spent his life doing amazing things. Since 2003 he has dedicated his life to helping others. As a hypnotherapist he has helped people overcome all types of issues & developmental areas both personally and through his very popular range of self-hypnosis CDs and downloads. It is the way in which Giovanni draws upon his life experiences, knowledge and especially common sense, that has seen him rise to the top of his field.

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Latest Success Stories

  • Jasmine

    Hypnosis for Letting Go

    I have been on an emotional roller coaster for the last few months. I received some really bad news which sent me into a Spiral on Thursday. On Friday night I bought Giovannis Letting go cd and played it when I went to bed. Saturday I work up completely calm, alert and optimistic. I've been...

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  • beachkid777

    Hypnosis for Persuasion

    This excellent and I am actually and NLP prac. I have noticed my language patterns coming out easier and more naturally during times

    have to be more persuasive, because effective communication and persuasion is an art form. Especially with NLP and language

    patterns. Don't...

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  • beachkid777

    Hypnosis for Superconsciousness

    All I have to say this one is super awesome!!!

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  • beachkid777

    Hypnosis for Making Better Decisions

    This has given clarity only after one listening amazing... I recommend his other products too... I have not been disappointed ... I have purchased about 7 so far..

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  • Nikki

    Hypnosis for Manifesting Abundance

    Hello Giovanni!

    Firstly, thank you! Whilst listening to one of your CD's I experienced a life changing 'Ah-hah!' moment, where ideas flowed effortlessly and everything pieced together perfectly! It eventually led me to where I am now, about to launch my website, business...

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  • Crystal

    'Living the Dream' Power Hypnosis

    Played the Living the dream fantastic. A visualized myself killing off my overgrown candida ha ha.
    I am reading up on it at present and taking notes then will see a naturapath.
    Amazing powerful wording there. I feel totally less anxious ( excited) at the the process.
    All the...

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